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odo.each(function () { var countNumber = $(this).attr("data-count"); $(this).html(countNumber); }); }); /*============================================= = Magnific Popup = =============================================*/ $('.popup-image').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true } }); /* magnificPopup video view */ $('.popup-video').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe' }); /*============================================= = Wow Active = =============================================*/ function wowAnimation() { var wow = new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animated', offset: 0, mobile: false, live: true }); wow.init(); } /*============================================= = Aos Active = =============================================*/ function aosAnimation() { AOS.init({ duration: 1000, mirror: true, once: true, disable: 'mobile', }); } })(jQuery);